Thursday, June 16, 2011

Success Part 1: What Do You Want?

What do you want? It seems like a very simple question. Unfortunately, for too many people they truly don't know. I can hear it now from most people. "I know what I want. I want to run a 4.5 second 40 yard dash. I want a division I scholarship. I want to make a lot of money. etc. etc. "These are definitely wishes but just saying you want something is not good enough. Not if you ever hope to achieve what you want that is. The purpose of this post is to help you take the first steps toward what ever you hope to achieve and in part 2 I will explain how you get it!

The following list are the first 3 steps.

Step 1) Making vague statements such as, "I want to lose 20 pounds" isn't going to help you lose 20 pounds. The first step to achieving what you want is first finding out exactly what that is? Now, when I say exactly I mean exactly! Yes you need to be as specific as possible! So don't just say I want to lose 20 pounds. Rather say " I am going to lose 20 pounds of body fat and gain 10 pounds of lean muscle in the next 3 months! Once you have an idea of what you want you must first write it down in as much detail as possible. Writing it down is important because until you do it is just another vague idea passing through your brain! Writing it down makes it real and achievable. After you have it written down hang it up somewhere you can see it and read it everyday.

Step 2) Choose a starting date that you will begin your quest for whatever it is that you want. Without setting a specific starting date you will most likely procrastinate and never achieve anything. Pick a date and on that date START! Two great quotes about procrastination are "The best way to get something done is to begin." Author Unknown and "Don't wait, the time will never be just right." Napolean Hill.

Step 3) Set a deadline! If you don't have a deadline then you will not have any pressure to work hard to accomplish your goals! Deadlines work plain and simple. Think about all the times in your life you've had them. You got what you needed to do done didn't you? More then likely you did and if you didn't it is time to step up to the stage and perform or you will never get what you want. To further sum it up "What can be done at any time is never done at all." ~English Proverb

So there it is. Pretty simple huh? So get up off your butt and figure out what it is that you want? Write it down. Read it everyday. Set a start date. Set a deadline to achieve your goal. START! Here's to your success. See you in part 2.

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