Thursday, August 19, 2010

Train The Body Part 2

The second part of my post "Train The Body as Well as The Skill" is for the majority of athletes out there that train on their own or at school without a program. These are two of the most important tips that will make HUGE improvements in your training!

First things first you need to have a plan! One of my favorite sayings is "If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail"! By far the most common problem I see with people of any age in gyms everywhere is that they don't have a set training plan. They go to the gym and ask each other (or themselves)"what should we train today?" or "wanna do some chest and tri's?" They then proceed to go about their workout doing only the exercises they like to do such as, bench press, curls, pull downs etc. and none of the exercises they need to do to really improve such as, squats, dips, deadlifts, chin-ups etc. Let me start by saying that if you are heading to a gym to train and you don't know what you are training for and don't have a plan to achieve it then why bother to go at all? Just randomly picking and choosing exercises every time you go to the gym will only get you zero or half ass results at best. When you decide to train for something you need to have a clear and concise goal of what you are trying to achieve. If you don't have a clear goal then how on earth are you going to achieve it? Simply saying that you want to get bigger or stronger is vague as hell and not a precise goal. First, find out what you need to train for. Then write it down. Lastly, develop a plan or hire someone who can prescribe the right program to reach your goal! Enough said.

The second problem that I see is that most people fail to keep records of their training. If you don't record your training stats then how will you know if your program is working? How do you know what weights and reps you completed in the previous workout? With hectic schedules and rampant ADD most of the athlete's I know can't remember what they lifted last set never mind last workout! Rule number 2 keep accurate logs of your workout programs!

These two things if implemented properly and consistently will dramatically improve your results and help you progress faster than you ever imagined. Give them a try. The only thing you have to lose is poor results!