Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hard Time Getting It Up

Are you having a hard time getting it up? Low energy, tired, and feeling a little bit out of it? Not able to perform your best? The weights you lifted one to two workouts ago seem heavy as hell and you can't perform your usual amount of reps? Well it is usually one of three things and it isn't the lack of Viagra! I am talking about your progress in the gym here and if this sounds like you or someone you know then read on.

Occasionally, some of my clients run into the above problems when they come in for a workout. They get frustrated and angry. The truth of the matter is that more often than not the answer is simple. They are either not getting enough sleep, are already over trained because of a full schedule of practice, school and social life or most often not eating properly! One of the major problems I find with my clients from time to time and even myself is lack of proper nutrition. What most people fail to realize is that the training as important as it is, is just the stimulus. The other major player in improving performance and health is nutrition. The following is an example of a recent conversation I had with one of my athletes. This athlete was working out at 5pm.

Athlete: I can't believe I only got that weight for 3 reps. I got i for 6 last time and this is only my second set!

Me: How many hours of sleep did you get last night?

Athlete:Like 8

Me: OK. What about the past week. How many hours of sleep did you average per night?

Athlete: Probably 7-8. I don't have any problems sleeping.

Me: OK. When was the last time you ate today?

Athlete: Like 11 am at lunch.

Me: Six hours ago. Did you eat breakfast?

Athlete: No. I woke up late and didn't have time.

Me: What did you eat for lunch?

Athlete: A slice of pizza and some fries.

Me: So you didn't eat breakfast, ate crap food for lunch and haven't eaten anything else for six hours? I remember your diet outline stating that you must eat breakfast containing protein or if you are short on time drink a protein shake in an emergency. It also states that you should be eating every 3 hours or so. Lastly, there is no pizza and fries on your acceptable food list!

Athlete: I know. I'm sorry Kev I have kind of been slacking on my diet.

Me: Well you see how important it is now if you are serious about training and want to improve?

Athlete: Yes

Me: I want you to write down everything you eat and the times you eat each meal or shake for the next 5 days.

Athlete: OK. I will

Me: Cheahhhh!!!!

Well magically after a week all of this athlete's weights went up in the gym. In the next month this athlete gained another 5 pounds of muscle and got leaner!

The moral to the story is that if you are not fueling your body properly then you are wasting your time training. You can kiss your improvements goodbye. So next time you see your progress in the gym starting to regress take a step back and look at your eating and sleeping habits! You just might be sabotaging yourself. Eat well, sleep well and train hard and consistent and watch your progress soar!


  1. i hate eating healthy, especially in the summertime, but i know that is the 1 major reason i'm not getting the result i want! keep beating it into my brain please Kev.....AAHHH NYYYCCCEEEEE

  2. This is an awesome post and very important. I agree Kev. Cheaaahh!!!

  3. Rest is Crucial!! Those muscles crave it in order to build.
