Tuesday, January 12, 2010


First and foremost welcome to my new blog. It's finally up and running and I would like to ask anyone visiting to please sign up and feel free to comment and ask any questions about training, nutrition, supplementation or articles posted on the site or our athletes in the news.

I will post numerous times per week and try to answer any questions you may have as timely as possible. If there is any topic you would like to discuss please feel free to ask?

In the mean time train hard, play hard and I look forward to hearing from you!


  1. how can i lose body fat but keep my strength

  2. Thanks for writing in. This is a great question but without knowing any background information about you such as, current body fat %, training background, activity level (sports participation, etc.) workout schedule and lifestyle etc. there is no one answer. However, I will give you a few guidelines to help get you on your way! Actually, losing body fat while trying to keep your strength is not as difficult as you may think. The following is a few of the techniques I use with my athletes.

    1) If strength or maintenance of strength is your goal then keep your workout rep ranges under 6 and sets between 4 and 6 for your primary exercises. These are generally the first 1-2 exercises in your workout.
    2) Train each body part only 1 time every 4-5 days. Training more often can lead to over training, strength loss, muscle loss and hinder your body's ability to lose fat.

    To Lose boy fat you must first and foremost look at your diet. The number one factor in fat loss is consistency in eating habits! The following are some general guidelines to help you out.

    1) Stop eating or drinking anything with high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, white flour and grains.
    2) Consume 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass.
    3) Eat 5-6 meals per day spaced out approximately every 3 hours. Each meal must contain protein as the primary ingredient.
    4) Drink a post workout protein shake immediately after your workout.
    5) Plan your meals and training in advance to avoid complications for compliance!

    Try applying these guidelines to your diet and training and keep me posted! Good Luck!

