Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Key To Success

Over the past eleven years of training athletes I have had the opportunity to work with some of the hardest working and most dedicated athletes as well as, some of the laziest bunch of slackers you could ever imagine. Fortunately, the lazy slackers never lasted because of their laziness. The majority of athletes I work with however, tend to fall somewhere in the middle. The purpose of this post is to let all of you other athletes in on one of the most important keys to success. All of my most successful athlete's practice it on a daily basis. In fact, they would not be successful if they did not. This all important key to success is CONSISTENCY!

Consistency can work both ways. Most people are consistently lazy. They talk about wanting to be a better athlete, playing varsity or getting a college scholarship but they aren't willing to put forth the hard work! Now hard work and dedication are essential but if they are not done on a consistent basis then you are wasting your time and should reassess your goals because obviously becoming a great athlete isn't one of them.

If you are serious about becoming a great athlete and achieving your goals then the following four variables must be done on a consistent basis everyday!

1) Grades! If you are a student athlete you need to consistently get your school work done and maintain a good GPA! Over the years I have seen many phenomenal athletes lose out on scholarships, become ineligible to play and even the prospect of being drafted because they slacked with their school work. Hit the books.

2) Workouts! The only way to make gains in your training if you want to improve your performance is to consistently attend your workouts. Just as important as showing up is putting everything you have into each and every workout! Working out for four weeks straight and then missing a week and then working out another week followed by 2 more weeks off is USELESS! You will never improve. Get your ass to the gym 3-4 days per week and give it everything you have every time you go or don't bother.

3) Nutrition! Equally as important as your workouts is your eating habits. This is probably the hardest of all four variables to follow. For your body to run like a high performance machine you need to provide it with high performance fuel. If you are not willing to do this however, then you are sabotaging yourself and greatly if not totally inhibiting improvement.

4) Supplementation! If you do not take your supplements consistently and correctly then they are not going to work. Just like everything else I mentioned it is a waste of time and money if you don't take them diligently and exactly as prescribed.

There you have it. Take a look at your studying, training, nutrition and supplementation habits. Are your doing all you can to achieve your goals? Probably not. If this is the case stop being lazy and making excuses and do something about it! Your future is in your own hands.

Train hard and be consistent and you'll be amazed at the results not only in sports but in all aspects of life.


First and foremost welcome to my new blog. It's finally up and running and I would like to ask anyone visiting to please sign up and feel free to comment and ask any questions about training, nutrition, supplementation or articles posted on the site or our athletes in the news.

I will post numerous times per week and try to answer any questions you may have as timely as possible. If there is any topic you would like to discuss please feel free to ask?

In the mean time train hard, play hard and I look forward to hearing from you!