Monday, September 27, 2010

Upper Body Warm-up Complex

In a previous post I showed you a great warm-up complex to use for your workouts. That warm-up will work well for both upper body and lower body workouts. However, if you have had shoulder problems, participate in throwing sports or just want to warm-up your shoulders better then the following complex is for you. Many of my baseball and softball players use this warm-up before their games or practice! Give it a try and let me know how it works for you?

The following video demonstrates the whole complex as it should be done. It only takes around a minute or so and will warm-up all of the muscle groups in your shoulder girdle.

Upper Body Warm-up Complex
1. Shrugs 6 Reps
2. Front Raise 6 Reps
3. Lateral/Side Raise 6 Reps
4. Bent Over Lateral Raise 6 Reps
5. Supermans 6 Reps
6. Upright Row To External Rotations 6 Reps
7. Overhead Press 6 Reps
8. Sideways External Rotations 9 reps
9. Forward Circles 3 Reps
10. Backward Circles 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes and begin first exercise warm-up sets!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good Luck!

All of us here at K STRENGTH Sports Training and Overtime Sports Facility would like to wish all of our high school fall sports athletes the best of luck this year!

We also want to wish our last crew of college athletes Brandon Glyck (Princeton) Claire Reinhard (Manhattan College), Kate Reinhard (Loyola), Chris DiIenno (Bentley), Joe Ricciardi (Wesleyan) the best of luck in their upcoming seasons!

All of our athletes worked their butts off this summer and we are extremely proud of you all! Now go out there and Kick Some Ass!!!!!!! CHEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!